
Thursday, May 13, 2010

hidup lama digantikan dengan yang baru.

hri nie adlh hri pling best.
esk adlh hri best gak.
will going to that place with her for 3 days.

to inaz : jmpe sbtu mlm. pgi tu ak smpi bangi.

to alex : will see u there. jgn tngglkn ak. ssat pyah nnti. ahaha.

to beloved nini : will see u there to. (padahal grak sme2) ehehehe. after blk sni nnti kte g kayaking yew. tgn dh beku dh. lme x kyak. ehehehe.

to family : i luv u'll so much. especially u mum.

the end.


Friends Frienz Friendzes :)