
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Food Innovation and Design (FID) Last Class Product Making

On 7th April 2011 , me and my classmate were making our product for the last class that were create by ourself with some information and discussion between our group . And my group that we name FID NO PROBLEM ! we choose ' Stuffed Squid with Sambal Tumis Belacan and Prawn ' . It was a long discussion because we were lack of ideas . And after a long period of discussion , my teammate Iskandar better known as ISNDAR . Good name IS ! hahaha . sorry . okay . we continue with our topic . He asked his mom for information and idea and his mom gave some idea . That ' Sambal Tumis Belacan and Prawn ' were the idea that his mom gave us . Thanks A Lot Isndar mom . Hahaha . So , we came up with that idea and we finally finished it with EXCELLENT ! The sambal were SUPERBLY MARVELOUS ! Bak kata Melayu SANGAT SANGAT SEDAP ! Hahahaha . Perasan je lebih . Ok la . Cek dah lotih nak cakap English walaupun cek tau English Education tu penting (petikan dari kata-kata Usop Kak Limah) . Hehehehe. Sambung balik . Time last class tu kiteorang dikehendaki buat produk kiteorang and kiteorang kene bagi orang merasa . Tu yang agak pedih tu . Cek masak dah la x sodap . Tapi apakan daya kena gak bagi orang rasa untuk report kiteorang nanti . We started cook at 9 a.m until 11 a.m . It were short period time ! Dan kiteorang kene buat sample sebanyak yang mungkin untuk 50 persons ! And that 50 persons yang rasa produk kiteorang kena buat evaluation and comment . Macam macam comment ada . Nie sambung jap lagi . Nak cerita pasal produk kiteorang dulu . Nak bagi 50 orang rasa tu ! Banyak tu BEB ! Bukan sikit . Lotih lotih . Setting table lagi untuk markah kiteorang . Selamat la bawak tablecloth . Kalau x hilang markah . Naseb naseb . Group kiteorang group paling lambat siap sume skali termasuk kemas mengemas sebab kiteorang punye group paling banyak kerja nak kene buat . Nak kene tumis sambal lagi . Pastu nak kene sumbat dalam sotong lagi . Pastu nak goreng lagi . Tu yang leceh . Hehehe. Tapi product kiteorang berhasil dengan jaya nye dan kebanyakan comment sume comment yang membangun . ( Nie sambung part tadi ) Ada gak la comment yang agak pedas gak . Tapi kteorang anggap sume tu sebagai pemberi semangat kepada kiteorang untuk buat produk kiteorang lebih baik di masa depan . Eceeeh . Hahahaha . Tapi yang penting produk kiteorang memang licin gila hari tu . Settle sume . Ada lebih pon kiteorang dah sebat dulu sebab permintaan produk kiteorang memang tinggi hari tu . Hahaha . Nampak sangat kan sedap produk kiteorang sampai habis sume skali . Licin beb ! Tapi ada sakit nye gak . NAK KEMAS KITCHEN YANG KITEORANG PAKAI AND BARANG - BARANG YANG DIGUNAKAN . Tu yang sakitnye . So , me and Hadi ( my teammates partner ) yang bersihkan kitchen and barang - barang . Kau de'BEST la HADI . Seronok aku dapat kawan macam kau . Hahaha . Nganjing kuat kan ? LOLs ! And my others teammates ISNDAR and JOE were representative for our product . And JOE were the Chef Of The Day ! Hebat kan ? Korang ada ? Xde kan ? Hahaha. But your the best JOE ! The Sambal were GREAT , AWESOME , not just awesome . But SUPERBLY AWESOME ! Thanks JOE for everything you did ! And lastly ( skip to the end sebab dah lotih cito banyak banyak ) we took lot of pictures for our report and for memory for our last kitchen in our subject . Sangat sedih :( And I'm photographer for my group and for my class . So , my pictures were not much and x menang tangan hari tu . Sedih kali kedua . Tapi xpe ok . Dah biase . Hehehe . So , last sekali i wanna say that i apologize to all my classmate and to my chef , Chef Zaid yang banyak menolong dan mengajar saya banyak bende yang saya x tau . Terima kasih ye chef . Dan x lupa juga kawan kawan saya yang banyak membantu saya ketika saya senang dan susah . Thanks guys ! Aceeehhhh . Susun ayat baek punye . Hehehe . Amin . Selesai tulis . Hehehe. Lihat lah gambar gambar dibawah nie . Sebelum kelas, Semasa kelas dan Selepas kelas . Tengok je ok . Xnk tengok xpe .

This is Iskandar known as ISNDAR .

This is Hadi known as ADEE Kentul .

This is Syauqie known as JOE No Fear !

This is me Syazwan known as AIZEZ

My team were busy this time with all their work

Bekerjasama menumis sambal kami ( betul ke x ayat aku nie )

Berbincang tentang resepi sambil menumis sambal ( Joe with Isndar )

Periuk Terbang group were doing their product . I dunno what are their product name . Maybe ' Soursop Pudding ' .

Again PERIUK TERBANG group . Busy with their own work .

My teammates were helping each others to complete the sambal .

Joe sedang menumis sambal beliau . Thanks to him our sambal were SUPERB !

Our sambal is in process .

Irnny , Ana and Chek Wan with their product . ( In process )

My other classmate Sara , Hawa and Adam .

This is Adam known as Adam DOT Z . Amek kau ! hahaha . Joke .

Adee make decoration for our garnishing .

Deep Fry our stuffed squid .

Me and joe were stuffing and breading our squid .

Me stuffing the squid with our sambal .

Our product ' Stuffed Squid with Sambal Tumis Belacan and Prawn ' and our table setting and garnishing .

My team ' FID No Problem ' with our product .

Chef Zaid gave his last speech for our last class .

Joe , Isndar ft. Syuk Ah Beng having our ' makanan ' iaitu rokok after class . hahaha.

Again Adam DOT Z . Tiredness .

Adee with our COD , Joe No Fear .

My Classmate in FID Sect. 3 . Even we were tired that day we all satisfied with our own product .

My team from the left me (Aizez) , Adee , and our Superb Chef ( Chef Zaid ) , Joe No Fear , Isndar .

My Classmate for Food Innovation and Design , Section 3 .

btw , sorry for not editing the pictures because there were too many pictures and sorry for the blurry and unclear pictures . i only use my own hp camera Nokia E63 and the camera are only 2 megapixels . so , again i'm sorry for that . next time i will use DSLR for sure . Aceehhh . hehehe . and the most important things is my ENGLISH is not very well . So , mana mana yg saya salah tulis tu mintak maap la ye . hehehe.


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabarakatuh .

Amin .


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